2nd Grade
Links to Mites Pages: Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade
Welcome to Second Grade Soccer!
Second Grade Mites Soccer is all about the kids having fun while continuing to build their skills and be part of a team. Basic soccer skills are the focus in 2nd grade including dribbling with changes of direction and trying to control the ball away from opponents, along with passing and shooting techniques. We do not keep score—we want our players to have fun without a lot of pressure!
The 2nd grade program consists of:
Weekly Saturday sessions that combine a soccer skills/drills period followed by a 6v6 scrimmage game with referees. These sessions are held at the Sheehan fields (510 Pond Street). Please see information below on parking and no dogs are allowed on any of the Westwood Fields except registered Service Animals.
Girls play from 1:15pm - 2:30pm
Boys play from 2:45pm - 4:00pm
A weekly, one-hour team practice
All coaches use great activities provided by PROformance Soccer, our coach mentoring group, and our Westwood Youth Soccer Director of Coaching. Our job as parents and spectators is to cheer them on and encourage them to have fun and do their best!
This program is dependent on volunteers. We encourage you to participate as a coach or assistant coach. No prior soccer experience is necessary—only commitment is to attend each week and bring your enthusiasm! If you are interested in helping out with your child's team, volunteer through the system when registering your child. You can also email secondgrade@westwoodsoccer.org if after registration closes.
Fall Season: The fall season runs from Saturday, September 7, 2024 until Saturday, November 9, 2024. Weekly practices are tentatively scheduled to begin the week of September 9, 2024.
There will NOT be a session on Saturday, September 21 to allow our players and families to participate in Westwood Day activities. There WILL be soccer scheduled on Columbus Day weekend.
Players will receive their team assignment in late August. Players usually remain on the same team for the fall and spring.
Spring Season: The spring season starts April 12, 2025 and ends June 14, 2025
** No make-up games will be played. If a game is canceled due to weather it will be posted here: Weekend Field Status by 7:30 am.
We look forward to a great year of 2nd grade soccer!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Kate Latham
WYS 2nd Grade Coordinator
Important Information:
2nd grade soccer is not a drop-off event. A parent or guardian should be present at all times.
Colored team t-shirts are provided. Generally the same shirts and teams will be used for the Spring Season.
Families should provide a size 3 soccer ball (please clearly write your player’s name on their ball), shin guards and soccer socks which must be worn over shin guards.
Cleats are recommended but not required.
All team and game information will be available in TeamSnap, the team management app used by Westwood Youth Soccer.
Each week, players must bring:
Labeled water bottle
Soccer ball - Size 3, shin guards, soccer socks and team t-shirt
Please clear all trash from the fields at the conclusion of the game. Team popsicles or other single packaged snacks are allowed.
No dogs allowed on any of the Westwood Fields except registered Service Animals.
2nd grade soccer is a full-year program. You do NOT need to re-register for the spring season.
** Team players sit with their coaches on the sidelines. Spectators sit on the opposite side of the marked field ONLY.
Parking for the Sheehan field is limited to certain areas on Pond Street, Oak Street, and surrounding neighborhood streets. Cars are not allowed to park on both sides of Pond Plain Road or Greenacre Road for any reason. Please try to walk if possible.
Schedules: Girls Schedule Boys Schedule
Links to Mites Pages: Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade