Health and Safety
Although restrictions have been removed, we should remain mindful and follow basic health and safety guidelines.
General Safety Standards and Current Best Practices:
Required Before Bringing Your Child to Every Soccer Activity (Coaches, this also applies to you before participating!)
Make sure your child is feeling well and symptom free prior to coming to each session.
KEEP CHILD HOME if not feeling well
REMOVE all jewelry, especially earrings(no taping allowed), prior to any soccer activity.
During Soccer Activities: Practices, Skills, Games
Players should bring all of their own personal equipment/gear bag (ball, water bottle, pinnies, GK gloves, etc.)
Size 3 ball for Grades K-2, size 4 ball for Grades 3-6, size 5 ball for Grades 7-12
All personal equipment should be labeled. WYS strongly recommends reusable water bottles.
Using hand sanitizer is a good habit after playing.
Players cannot wear jewelry, including any earrings. Player may not play with unsafe items or equipment.
No trash must be left on the field. All players are responsible for disposing of their own personal trash.
If a player begins to feel ill during the session, they should immediately tell a coach. They will be isolated, and parents will be called to pick-up.
Return to Play Protocols from Isolation/Quarantine Follow Westwood BOH/School Timelines and Direction
Isolation/quarantine guidelines can be found here:
Players can return to soccer on the same day they can return to school and under the same guidelines.
Massachusetts Youth Soccer COVID Hub Resources
Send COVID reporting concerns or questions to