Coaching Requirements
Coach/Volunteer Requirements: MA SafeSoccer - (scroll down for Current Credential status)
Thank you for volunteering to help coach your child’s youth soccer team! We could not do it without you.
Abuse in youth sports is more prevalent than most of us think—and it can happen even in Westwood. A recent study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that around 1 million children per year experience some form of abuse in a youth sports setting.
Westwood Youth Soccer seeks to uphold the highest standards for participant safety by ensuring all coaches and volunteers comply with the most rigorous standards for background checks and abuse training as required by U.S. Soccer and MA Youth Soccer.
We do this not just because it’s the law, since Congress passed the Safe Sport Authorization Act, but because it’s the right thing to do. Abuse prevention is now an integral part of our roles as youth soccer coaches and volunteers.
Therefore, there are requirements that every coach, volunteer, and evaluator must complete each soccer year:
Annual Adult Registration in the MA Youth soccer administration system. This includes the authorization or validation of a background check and other screening as needed.
Annual Review of and Adherence to the MA Safe Soccer Required Policies
Annual completion of a SafeSport abuse prevention online training course (Core training or Refresher course)
Bi-Annual completion of one of the three approved concussion training/first aid courses (Good for up to two soccer years)
Click here to start the process for this soccer year: MA Safe Soccer
Click here for your Annual review the Safe Soccer Required Policies: SafeSoccer Required Policies
Current Coach Credential Status
Click below to view the status of your Coaching Requirements that must be completed prior to being issued a credential. The files are organized alphabetically by coach within the gender/grade group for K-2 and by team assignment for Grades 3-8.
This is updated only as of the time noted in the file. It is NOT dynamic. Plus, the Mass Youth Soccer SportsConnect system has a 24 hr lag until accounts are visible. Please keep that in mind.
Current Grade 3-8 Coach Status File
Current Mites K-2 Coach Status File
If you are completely blank, it most likely means that you have not yet registered in SportsConnect (Step 1). Please get started ASAP!
If you know you registered, but are still showing as blank, then it could be the time lag noted above OR an email issue because different emails were used to register in the MA Youth system and in the WYS system and these files use email to synch up information. Contact the Registrar to get that addressed.
Directions to complete outstanding requirements are found here: MA Safe Soccer
Contact the Registrar with any specific questions.