Winter Futsal League Registration
Registration for Winter 2025 Soccer - Scroll to the REGISTER button below to access the registration system.
Westwood Winter Indoor Futsal League: Grades 2-10 - Yes Grades 9 and 10 are included this winter!
Come with friends and play futsal, a very fun, fast-paced game and one of the best ways to continue building your soccer skills during the snowy winter months!
What is futsal? Futsal is 5v5 soccer played on a hard-court surface marked by lines; walls and boards are not used. It is played with a smaller, lower-bounce ball than regular soccer. The surface, ball, and rules emphasize ball control, passing in small spaces, improvisation, creativity, and technique.
Game Time Window: Sundays 9:00am - 8:00pm. Games for younger players will generally be scheduled in the morning/mid-day, while games for older players will generally be scheduled in the afternoon/evening.
League play features one game/team scheduled each Sunday.
Sundays - 10 games: Jan 5, Jan 12, Jan 19, Jan 26, Feb 2, Feb 9, (skip Feb 16), Feb 23, Mar 2, Mar 9, Mar 16
Cost: $200 per player
Location: Kingsbury Club: 2 Ice House Road, Medfield MA
This Westwood-only league is managed by our WYS Director of Coaching Alex Gerson. Competitive futsal teams and playing sections will be created based on grade and skill level. This is a coed, multi-grade league.
Grade 2 and Grade 3 may be playing older players of both genders, so only sign up if your child is willing to do that.
Grades 9 and 10 Only* - Based on total signups, we will either create consistent teams or just have two teams that change each week and play each other.
Players can sign up as individuals, request playing with one friend, or request a larger group of friends / teammates looking to play together. Aiming for team rosters of 7-10 players. Because of the lower roster numbers, only sign up if your child is able to play in a minimum of 7 Sundays.
Players must wear shin guards covered by soccer socks, sneakers or indoor soccer shoes, and no jewelry/earrings (cannot play with jewelry, even if taped).
Volunteer coaches are needed to coach these futsal teams, so parents please VOLUNTEER during registration!
Registration open date: 10/20
Financial Hardship Fee Waivers
Requests for registration fee waivers due to financial hardship will be considered.
Players must be residents of Westwood or attend a school in Westwood.
Click REGISTER button below to get to our registration system.
Refund/Credit Policy:
Westwood Youth Soccer will honor refund/credit requests for the following reasons:
A season-ending injury or illness incurred before the first game or skill session of the season provided a doctor's note is received prior to the start of the season.
If WYS is unable to place the player on a team or in a skill session for any reason and therefore the child is unable to participate in soccer activities for that season.
If the family moves out of Westwood and notifies the registrar before the first game or skill session of the season.
If the family withdraws within 30 days from the date when the specific program’s registration period opened AND before the start of the program.
Late fees are not refundable. A $10 processing fee will be deducted from all check or credit card refunds but does not apply if registration credit is applied to the account. No processing fee will be charged for refunds under Reason 2.
To receive a refund, please contact the registrar. If a refund request is denied, it may be appealed to the WYS Board.
Westwood Youth Soccer reserves the right to refuse participation in its programs if it is felt that there is sufficient concern/cause to restrict participation.
WESTWOOD YOUTH SOCCER is partnering with, an online youth sports service provider, for processing online registrations. Please note, you will need a credit card (American Express, MasterCard or Visa) and health insurance information to complete the registration.
All questions with a red asterisk * must be answered to complete the registration.
There are multiple steps in the registration process:
*Family Setup: You will only have to do this the first time you register. Please use an email address you regularly check as this is the email that all WYS communication will be addressed to. If you forget your password, you will need your correct email address. Please enter Legal names for all adults and children if requested.
*Player Setup: Again, you will only have to do this once for each player.
*Registration for the season: This contains the information that may need to be updated for each player, each season such as school, grade, health insurance information, emergency contact, and medical information.
*Waivers: Agree to all required waivers and initial where required.
*Checkout: You may pay by Credit Card or request a Financial Hardship Fee Waiver. Personal checks are not accepted. No child will be denied the opportunity to play soccer for substantiated financial reasons. Fee waivers MUST be requested during the OPEN registration period. Fee waivers for late registrations will not be granted, with the exception that fee waivers will be granted at any time if the family qualifies for the Federal free/reduced fee lunch program (distinct from the Massachusetts all-inclusive free lunch program) or the Westwood School Bus Transportation fee waiver.
Email Receipt: Credit card charges will show up on your statements as: AdminSports (Jasper, TN) - Sports Registration. If you requested a fee waiver, you should submit a written statement supporting the request with financial hardship rationale within two weeks by replying to your receipt email.
Chargeback fee passthrough: Should WYS be notified of a chargeback fee applied by a credit card company, the entire fee amount will added onto the family's registration balance due. This is a direct pass-through administrative cost.
The registration site is compatible with most current browsers. However, if you encounter any browser problems, please try a different browser.
NOTE: Some corporate and University firewalls do not allow access to this registration site. If you have trouble with access at work, please try again at home.
Please note: Admin Sports, Inc. does not have the authority to issue a refund.