Spring 2025 Registration

Registration for Spring 2025 Soccer - Scroll to the REGISTER button below to get to our registration system.

Grades 3-8
The fee for the 10-week Spring 2025 season, which starts Saturday April 12, 2025, is $185 per player. Some travel is involved for all teams. Practices are held during the week with games scheduled on Saturdays. All registered children make a team. Click here to see more information about our Grades 3-8 program.

Grades K-2
If a child in Grades K through 2 played in the fall season, there is NO NEED to RE-REGISTER for the spring, as these programs are full-year programs. If a child DID NOT play in the fall, and wishes to play in Spring 2025, please contact the registrar separately at registrar@westwoodsoccer.org. The full-year registration fee is not prorated if only playing in the fall or only playing in the spring. The fee for the full-year in-town program for Grades K-1 is $200. Grade K-1 plays pre-game skill sessions followed by a 4v4 game. The fee for the full-year in-town program for Grade 2 is $240. Grade 2 plays pre-game skill sessions followed by a 6v6 game with certified referees. Programs are grade-based, not age-based. Children must be enrolled in Kindergarten to play K soccer. Click here to see more information about our Mites program: Mites K-2 information

Late Registration Fee
Registrations completed after the 12:00 midnight November 30, 2024 open period deadline are considered late and systematically assessed a $25 per player late fee. Late fees cannot be waived. Fee waivers will NOT be granted for late registrations. Late registrants will be placed on a space available basis. 

Financial Support Registration Fee Waivers
Requests for registration fee waivers for those needing financial support due to hardship must come during OPEN registration from November 1 –  November 30. Fee waivers for late registrations will not be granted, with the exception that fee waivers will be granted at any time if the family qualifies for the Federal free/reduced fee lunch program (distinct from the Massachusetts all-inclusive free lunch program) or the Westwood School Bus Transportation fee waiver. 

Please consider volunteering! Soccer knowledge a plus, but not a requirement. If you want to submit your name to be considered for a Coach, Assistant Coach, Parent Manager, or Field Marshal (Mites K-2 only) position please select the appropriate volunteer option and complete the volunteer information when you are registering your child during this online registration process. We cannot do it without volunteer coaches, plus it is a great experience to share with your child!

Players must be residents of Westwood or attend a school in Westwood.

Click REGISTER button below to get to our registration system.

Refund/Credit Policy:

Westwood Youth Soccer will honor refund/credit requests for the following reasons:

Late fees are not refundable. A $10 processing fee will be deducted from all check or credit card refunds but does not apply if registration credit is applied to the account. No processing fee will be charged for refunds under Reason 2. 

To receive a refund, please contact the registrar. If a refund request is denied, it may be appealed to the WYS Board. 

Westwood Youth Soccer reserves the right to refuse participation in its programs if it is felt that there is sufficient concern/cause to restrict participation.

WESTWOOD YOUTH SOCCER is partnering with AdminSports.com, an online youth sports service provider, for processing online registrations. Please note, you will need a credit card (American Express, MasterCard or Visa) and health insurance information to complete the registration.

All questions with a red asterisk * must be answered to complete the registration.

There are multiple steps in the registration process:

The registration site is compatible with most current browsers. However, if you encounter any browser problems, please try a different browser. 

NOTE: Some corporate and University firewalls do not allow access to this registration site. If you have trouble with access at work, please try again at home.

Please note: Admin Sports, Inc. does not have the authority to issue a refund.